
Ants are the leading household pest in the United States. They usually live outdoors in colonies, but they may forage — and potentially nest — indoors. Once ants establish outdoor colonies and indoor foraging routes, constant invasions can result. Small common ants, such as Argentine ants, odorous house ants and pavement ants, quickly become big problems. Stopping ants before they get inside is essential to protecting your home.
Ant Identification
Ants vary in size and color, with some large ants growing up to 1/2 inch in length or more. But small, common ants that typically measure 1/10 to 1/8 inch long are often the biggest troublemakers. Ants vary in color from light golden brown to dark brown-black. All have elbow-like, bent antennae. Foraging worker ants are wingless, but reproductive ants have wings.
Ants Signs or Damage
Small ant mounds in your lawn or beside sidewalks signal ant nests below. Large numbers of visible ants indicate populations may be out of hand. Ants are more than embarrassing nuisances. Outdoors, they disrupt family activities and complicate problems with pests such as aphids and scale. Once indoors, they can damage your home, contaminate food and even spread disease.
How to Control Ants
Effective treatment of outdoor ants is your best protection against ant problems indoors and out. GardenTech brand offers several highly effective outdoor controls that kill common ants and protect your home:
- Sevin Insect Killer Ready to Spray and Concentrate kill ants by contact and keep protecting for up to three months.+ These convenient concentrates treat lawn areas, home perimeters, foundation plantings and building foundations up to a height of 3 feet.
- Sevin Insect Killer Lawn Granules create a band of protection around your home that kills ants by contact and lasts up to three months. Broadcast the granules as spot treatments in problem areas or use a regular lawn spreader for uniform coverage around your home's perimeter or throughout your lawn. Then water thoroughly to release the active ingredient.
- Sevin Insect Killer Ready to Use2 kills ants* on contact and simplifies targeted treatments. Adjust the spray nozzle to widen or narrow the stream, and then spray affected plants or outdoor surfaces thoroughly. Treat building foundations up to a height of 3 feet.
Ant Control Tip: Follow lines of marching ants and they'll lead you to nests, entry points and plants in need of treatment. Keep your home's foundation free of holes and cracks to help protect against indoor invasions.
* Allegheny mound, Argentine, black carpenter, cornfield, Florida carpenter, harvester, honey, pavement, Southern, sugar and nuisance.
+Except fire ants and ticks
Always read product labels thoroughly and follow instructions, including guidelines for listed plants and pests, application frequencies and pre-harvest intervals (PHI) for edible crops.
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